Seismic Acquisition and the Energy Transition


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Format: Virtual Webinar. 45 min. presentation followed by 15 min. Q&A

An optional post-lecture workshop will immediately follow each lecture for expanded Q&A and networking

Session 1, Tuesday, May 21, 2024, 11 am to 12 pm Brisbane, Australia Time

Session 2, Friday, June 28, 2024, 10 am to 11 am Brisbane, Australia Time

Past SEG Recordings

SEG Members Free Access Details

Two live sessions are completed. Please scroll down to watch the videos from the recordings below. SEG members, view the course for free!


The need for the world to transition away from fossil fuel to renewal energy sources is well established. The seismic exploration industry has long been focused on fossil fuel exploration, so it makes sense that this transition will also impact our industry.

The movement away from fossil fuels does, however, open up new prospects for the application of the seismic method, in areas as diverse as geothermal energy, and mineral exploration. This lecture involves looking at these new applications and discussing the opportunities that are developing for the application of the seismic method and their likely impact on future developments.

Your Instructor

Tim Dean, PhD, SEG-HL
Tim Dean, PhD, SEG-HL

Tim Dean is a specialist project geoscientist for Anglo American Steel Making Coal in Australia. He graduated from Curtin University with a BSc in Geophysics in 1998 and worked in onboard marine data processing for a year for Western Geophysical before returning to Curtin University to complete his Honors followed by a PhD in Physics at the University of New South Wales. He then enjoyed an extensive career within WesternGeco and SLB working in a variety of roles including field operations, software development, and research located in Saudi Arabia, England, Norway, and Australia. His final position within SLB was as principal research geophysicist at the Schlumberger Fibre-Optic Technology Centre working on Distributed Acoustic Sensing. He then joined HawkEye Technology (a division of Sony) as a project advisor before returning to Australia in 2016 to join the Department of Exploration Geophysics at Curtin University. He returned to industry in 2019, joining BHP Coal before moving to Anglo American in 2022. His research interests include land acquisition — particularly vibroseis sources — and survey design, land data processing, and distributed fibre-optic sensing.