5. Methods for routine core-log interpretation

- [Ravinath] One of the most important questions is that in every well that you want to do, let's say, core-log integration, you will not be able to get the produced oil to de-saturate. Any core that you have needs re-saturation because some of the produceable fluids are gone when you bring it to the surface. This over here is a GC of the oil, which I got from Eagle Ford, and I compared it to dodecane, which is just C12. What happens if I re-saturate with correction oil or produced oil and dodecane? What we find is quite remarkable. They are very similar to each other. The T1 ratio with dodecane and the T1 ratio with the produced oil are both close to 4.53. In this case, for the Eagle Ford. Showing that the routine re-saturation of these cores with dodecane can be done so that you can compare the log and understand more about the plate. This is something that is very possible, feasible, and should be ingrained, and we need to try to do more to understand this much more deeper, where it breaks down, where we can take advantage of this. Both the dodecane and the oil saturated sample, and these are just the comparison of porosity by filling it with both, are reasonably similar to each other, enabling their comparison.
