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  2. Washing the Core

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- So what we're gonna do now is we're gonna start opening the core boxes. And as you can see, once I open one of these boxes, I put the lid in the back. I just pull this thing forward. I like doing it this way because the lids are right there. And then, when I'm done, it's super easy, everything is right there. Alternatively, what you could do is as you remove the lids, you could take a lid and place it right underneath the core. Either way you do it, you want to make sure the lids stay close by. You don't want to put the lids far away because, at the end of the day, you will have to cover the core up and you don't want to lose the lid. Because it's gonna create a lot of confusion. When you do open these boxes up, most of time, they are gonna be fairly dusty. So what we want to do is we wanna wash the core. For that, I have my bucket right here. And what I'm gonna do is, place my bucket right next to the table. I'm gonna remove a piece of core, take my spray bottle, and I keep doing this. So you can see, the way I'm doing this is I'm running the water -- I'm gonna move my bucket so I don't make a mess. I spray and I let the water drip into the bucket. So you want to do this for the entire core. Be good, we want a nice, fresh face to work with. I've seen quite a few people, they get to the lab, they'll open the lids, they'll start just grabbing the core without ever cleaning it. And if you don't clean it, you're gonna miss a lot of the sediment of these structures. Especially something like this that has cryptic bio-information in it. If you haven't cleaned it, you're gonna miss that.