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  Stop 1. Bioherm

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- [Ali] We're in the Sacramento Mountains in New Mexico and right in front of us is a classic bioherm. If you compare it with the seismic line shown here, This is a phylloid algae mound and what I want you to notice, is I'm gonna use my pole to point things out, that right there is the buildup itself. That's the mound. I want you to focus on these layers. What happens to 'em as they approach the mound, you can see that they their skin, they're all together over there. They're swelling up, swelling up, they're draping the mound, I'm gonna try and zoom in, so you can actually see there's a bit of, these beds are actually draping over the mound, okay, you can see them right there, okay. So you get a very characteristic inching in that direction there and swelling towards the bottom of the hill. Now, for those of you who are interpreting carbonate build-ups and seismic, what I want you to look at is the mound itself. I'm gonna zoom in again and if you zoom in and you look, you'll see that the mound itself is not bedded, okay, that is one structuralist buildup right there. And then when I zoom out, you can that the layers around it are bedded indeed. Okay, so that middle part right there, There goes it's massive, structure-less, that is going to be seismically transparent, whereas you're gonna see subparallel to divergent reflections around it.